

To use the Morph API, you need to include the API key in the request header to ensure secure access. The API key can be obtained from the Morph dashboard.

How to Obtain the API Key

  1. From the Home screen, click on the "Secrets" tab to display the following page.
  2. Next, click the "Create Secret" button, enter the Secret name and Source IP, and confirm by clicking the "Create" button. ※ Leaving the Source IP field blank will allow all IPs. If you want to restrict access to specific IPs, enter them separated by commas.
  3. If the created API key is no longer needed, you can delete it by clicking the "Delete" button.
  4. In the confirmation modal that appears, click the "Delete" button to permanently delete the API key. [NB!] This action cannot be undone. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered, so please proceed with caution.


The URL for the API is in the following format:


How to check the database ID [Your_DatabaseID]:

Check your browser's URL bar on the top page of the Morph screen: the database ID appears following /workspace.[database_id]

How to Check Your Table Name:

To query a specific table within the database schema, the API URL format is as follows:


The table names are displayed in the Built-in Tables section of the side menu. When you select a table, the name is also displayed in the editor tab.